PROGRAM (including powerpoint presentations/videos)

Wednesday, 26 of September

10:00-10:30 Registration

10:30- 11:45    Opening Session

Chair: Kassavetis Demosthenis, Organizing Committee

Kardasis Vasilis, Dean of the Hellenic Open University

Hellenic Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity

Roelants Bruno, Director General, International Cooperative Alliance

Message by the International Labour Organization/video

Henrÿ Hagen- Introduction to the program and latest developments in cooperative law

11:45-12:00 Break

12:00- 14:00  The legal relevance of the cooperative principles for cooperative law

Chair: Fajardo Gemma

Fajardo Gemma, The participation of the member in the economic activity of the cooperative as an essential element of their identity/powerpoint presentation

Frantzeskaki Maria, Fostering the cooperative principle of the democratic member control/powerpoint presentation

Stamboulis Yeoryios, The economic reasoning of cooperative law institutions/powerpoint presentation

Gaudio Ronaldo, Cooperative identity in two dimensions – Dialogue between cooperative principles and economic structure to improve regulation and development/powerpoint presentation

Karathanos Vayos,The nutritional research on Corinthian currant as a vehicle for development of a modern Cooperative.

José Eduardo de Miranda, de Souza, Leonardo, The secondary role of cooperative principles in Brazilian law and its effect on the autonomy of cooperative law/powerpoint presentation

14:00- 15:00 Break 2

15:00- 16:30 Round Table between economists and lawyers, the motto being: “What can we/what must we learn from each other”?

16:30 –        Acropolis Museum Visit

17:00-19:00  Workshop for students and lawyers: Introduction to cooperatives and cooperative law – Collaboration with European Law Students’ Association – Henrÿ Hagen, Kassavetis Demosthenis


Thursday, 28 of September 2018

10:00 10:30   Registration

10:30 -12:00 Cooperative law and the legal framework of the social economy

Chair: Geormas Konstantinos

Kalimeri Eleni, Barkas Ioannis, The legal framework of the Social Solidarity Economy in Greece

Adam Sofia, Cooperatives as Social Solidarity Economy Agents. The case of Law 4430 2016 in Greece/powerpoint presentation

Melissourgos Georgios, Salasidou Panagiota, Meddling with the chaos. Which Greek legal forms may hold the status of Bodies of Social Solidarity Economy./powerpoint presentation

Geormas Konstantinos, New legal environment of the Greek Social and Solidarity Economy Impediments and opportunities for the development of the sector/powerpoint presentation/presentation

Mprechas Loukas, Greek legislation and cooperative identity- SSE /powerpoint presentation [in Greek]

Tryfona Ioanna, Keranis Giorgos, Recommendations on the framework of Worker Buyouts of failing or bankrupt companies within the context of Social and Solidarity Economy organizations

12:00: 12:15 Break 1

12:15- 14:15     The legal relevance of the cooperative principles for other fields of law
Chair: Nikolaou Kostas

Vouroutzis Zisis, The liability of the governing bodies of agricultural cooperatives in relation to the provisions of the environmental legislation

Silva, Vanessa, Brazilian Environmental Law, Cooperatives and Social Responsibility/powerpoint presentation

Ferraz Teixeira Marianna, Cooperativism and the gender inclusion at labor market and access to credit/powerpoint presentation

Nikolaou Kostas, Social and legal aspects of the co-operative labor/powerpoint presentation

Saridis Isidoros, The provisions of Greek tax law according to social economy enterprises

14:15- 15:00 Break 2

15:00- 17:00 Legal requirements for specific types of cooperatives by sector (e.g. agricultural, banking, energy cooperatives)
Chair: Cusa Emanuele

Singh Sukhpal, Farmer Producer Companies as Legal and Institutional Innovation in Agriculture in India An examination of potential, impact, challenges, and policy/powerpoint presentation

Fefes Michael, The greek anti-paradigm. How legislation on agricultural cooperatives causes their failure/powerpoint presentation

Kapellidis Manolis, The need to modernize the legal framework on cooperative banks

Cusa Emanuele, Renewable energy communities and energy cooperatives.Organizational innovations to combine democracy and sustainable development/powerpoint presentation

17:00- 17:15 Break 3

17: 15 – 18: 45  Legal requirements for specific types of cooperatives by governance/structure (e.g. workers’ cooperatives, multi-stakeholder cooperatives, social cooperatives)

Chair: Meira Deolinda

Koupidis Sotiris, Buying social: Social cooperatives and public procurement

Mytrosyli Maria, The establishment of limited liability social cooperatives as a treatment facility and social enterprise/powerpoint presentation [in Greek]

Sarmiento Antonio, The social cooperatives of services for workers and the need of an adequate legal framework for their operation/powerpoint presentation

Meira Deolinda, The Portuguese social solidarity cooperatives versus the general interest cooperatives/powerpoint presentation

Aitor Bengoetxea, Employment in worker cooperatives


Friday, 28 of September 2018

10:00 10:30 Registration

10:30- 11:40 The harmonization and unification of cooperative law at national, regional and international level
Chair: Ger Van der Sangen

Ger Van der Sangen, The Principles of European Cooperative Law and their Impact on Future Law-making on Cooperatives/powerpoint presentation

Kaponis Panos, Interferences of state and courts in the cooperatives‟ function/presentation [in Greek]

Santoso Edy, Cooperative principles on transportation network policy through opening new deal collaboration/powerpoint presentation

Cesar Milena, The judicial precedent as a tool for research and study of Cooperative Law The Brazilian experience/powerpoint presentation

Douvitsa Ifigeneia, The unification of the Greek cooperative legal framework/powerpoint presentation

11:40-12:00 Break 1

12:00- 13:10 Cooperative law and human rights
Chair: Tsironas Thanasis

Hiez David, Voluntary membership: up to which point do cooperatives support liberalism?

Filippou Dionysis, The Greek constitutional provisions on cooperatives

Tsironas Thanasis, The formation of compulsory cooperative by law and the principle of proportionality

João Telmo Oliveira Filho, The right of cooperativism as a fundamental right: The constitutional principles and normative guidelines of Brazilian cooperativism as elements for the characterization of the fundamental right to cooperativism

13:10- 14:00 Break 2

14:00- 15:30 Cooperative law and globalization.
Chair: Tziva Efi

Tziva Efi, The cooperative banks inside and outside the financial crisis./powerpoint presentation

Nagao Menezes, Daniel Francisco, Technological Innovation, Cooperatives and Globalization in the Brazilian scenario/powerpoint presentation

DeryaNazan Ünverir, Özkan, Aybike, Cooperative Practices in Turkey for sustainable development/powerpoint presentation

Mannan, Morshed, Platform Cooperatives in Light of PECOL/powerpoint presentation

Solel Yifat, The Democratic Principle in the age of cyber Can „The Law‟ be used to the democratic principle in the age of cyber/powerpoint presentation

15:30- 15:45 Break 3

15:45- 17:45 Educational programs in the field of cooperative law
Chair: Henrÿ Hagen
Kapogiannis Dimitrios, Vathi- Sarava Panagiota, Educational cooperatives as activating institutions in creative collective activities/powerpoint presentation

Anthopoulou Theodosia, Kavoulakos Karolos, The importance of distance learning programs for the development of SSE

Henrÿ Hagen, The summer school on “Cooperative law for sustainable development” and the cooperative network studies, Ruralia Institute, Helsinki University

Tools for the research and study of cooperative law
Romenteau Arielle, Moxom Jeffrey, Obongo Erick, Dave Mohit, Legal Framework Analyses and the ICA-EU Partnership/powerpoint presentation

Bellis Vasilis, Douvitsa Ifigeneia, Kavoulakos Karolos, Nikolaou Kostas, Papaphilippou Aspa & Tzakou Anna, Approaching a dictionary on basic concepts/powerpoint presentation

Ann Apps, Robyn Donnelly and Elizabeth Makin, The co-op builder – an online tool for new Australian co-ops/powerpoint presentation

Ius Cooperativum: International Journal of Cooperative Law- World Map of cooperative lawyers

17: 45-18:00 Break 4

18:00- 18: 45 Conclusions- Henrÿ Hagen

18: 45- Dinner